Monday, April 19, 2010

Sweet Dreams

Last night after we (Lola and I) had dinner with Annie, as we often do, something happened.
I am always careful to sit with Lola between Annie and me, to avoid any accidental brushing of hands or footsie. I had been complaining about work and Annie stood up and started giving me a back rub, right there in front of Lola. I tried to remain neutral, Annie soon realised that I was a bit uncomfortable.
Annie said to Lola "Oh, sorry, is this okay?"
Lola said "So long as you keep your top on, its fine."
Everybody had a chuckle, Annie went back to her seat and I twisted in my chiar to hide my boner.

Then when I was leaving we both hugged, Annie, we always do, and she held me really tight and for longer than usual. Then she whispered in my ear "I hope you have sweet dreams."

All very innocent isn't it - or is it??

1 comment:

  1. Whispering? Not very innocent, after giving you a backrub, huh?
